Monday, November 21, 2011

Big Question

Do sharks eat ducks? And conversely, would a duck peck a shark?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Post-It

Did the spontaneous thing. Bought tickets for N's wedding. :D

Next up: Must get new sari and things. Shopping. Ughs.

Now: My instant noodle addiction is acting up. I'm off to test (and taste) the new Thai / Chinese / Japanese / Vietnamese noodles I bought the other day. 8)

Meanwhile: Do the Garfield thing. (Jim Davis - thank you for that wonderful cat.)

Friday, November 4, 2011


Blood ties do not a relationship make.

Just because you are my relative, does not mean you are family.

Just because our DNAs are not linked, does not mean you aren't.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rebel, No Cause

I've reached my rebellious phase. 13 years late. (But I've always started late - walking, talking, travelling alone, making friends. I'm relatively punctual though. Relatively.) Everything is open to question - religion (especially religion), society, family ties, authority, the army, even air, and some of the planets.

The do-this, do-thats of the world trouble me.

Religious rituals - even more so. Every ritual has a context, a historical significance. Yet, nobody questions religion or its rituals. They follow blindly. Like sheep. Or cows. Displaying a herd mentality that troubles me.

Anna Hazare - everyone jumped on this corruption bandwagon, sharing reports, news videos, opinions, the works. Most were clueless about the possibilities, outcomes, even the context. Herd mentality again. There is much to recommend supporting a movement; but supporting without question - that is scary.

(The following may seem unrelated. But there is a connection, vague though it may be.)

Costa Rica does not have an army. Not since 1948. Yet, it remains politically stable even within a turbulent neighborhood. What would have been military funding is now diverted to more positive areas - education, healthcare, etc. Maybe they are on to something.

Why doesn't the big bad world question its need for the military? Can't the world live without its armies?

Not as long as people remain unquestioning (for that is key), ready to feel slighted at the slightest opportunity, ensuring that war remains inevitable, and armies necessary.

Personal freedom. There is no respect for it in this do-this do-that world. Everyone's a lecturer. Everyone's a moralist. Everyone's an intruder. Everyone is sowing the seed of eventual violence.

I will do as I please. Do-this do-that world, stay away from me. I don't believe in you.